Investigating posture and how the body can communicate potential introspection, lead me to an interest regarding body language and subtle gestures suggesting a representation of intrinsic tensions. As I continued exploring introspection, I began examining inner conflict and how as human beings we are conflicted with our visceral nature.

My work explores the dichotomies of human nature and identity. I question the internal oppositions we struggle to acknowledge and how we continuously push and pull parts of ourselves by deciding which sides to reveal externally and which sides to hide away internally. I examine representations of the figure that display this friction by exposing a double within the self. My nude figures aim to reflect the conflict of inherent in such manifestations and confront the viewer with an introspective impression of tension and uneasiness.

I am influenced by my interests in the amorphous qualities of human nature and how personal identity is defined by the subconscious. When designing and creating my works, I enact inner tension and friction by transforming the appearance of the physical form to display hidden struggles. My approach in working through each sculpture considers how psychological contrasts might occur within a single individual’s experience. 


Plaster Body Casts 2017


Strengths & Weaknesses Unseen 2015