In this work, I questioned the body’s transitory nature. Here, I am observing the quality of the body’s changing form and how the body appears to always be in a state of transition. I am interested in displaying the body as a record of fleeting moments while questioning the shifting nature of the body. I wish to create inquiry that reflects on the body as a record of life and metaphor for experience. Each body is different, it creates its own method for documenting time, it changes as humans develop, it adapts as humans are exposed to a variety of potential influences, and it is always in a state of transition. While viewing the work, some parts may be identifiable while others may not. This temporary confusion pushes the viewer to investigate, to observe what they are seeing, and question the way they may think about the body. I am interested in providing the viewer with enough information that they become consciously aware of their own relationship with their body while also thinking about how the nature of the work confronts them with existence. As the skin folds and stretches to allow the body to bend and move freely, are we conscious of these transitions? Does the body’s changes confront us with our place in time? How do these changes confront us with our existence and what that means? I use plaster as a casting material. There are thick areas that transition into the thin areas, leading to the broken edges. The plaster is fragile as the body is, if dropped it shatters as the body’s interior would shatter if dropped off of a building. The delicate nature of the material speaks to the delicate nature of the body. It captures the detail picked up by the mold, which provides a snap shot of the body in a state of change, a fleeting moment that can not be recaptured.
Spatial Impressions 2018